You'll need to search this area for a note - which will be pinned to a random object: usually a rock, tree or other piece of the environment - and you'll need to use the photo to find the general area that the note is located in. The area in question that you will need to search will be marked on your map with a yellow question mark, and the search radius for the area is fairly wide. The $8.000.000 GTA Online Treasure Hunt (Day 1) Attached to the email will be a black and white picture of one of 20 locations which will be random for you.

To obtain the Doubl-Action Revolver, you must complete a Treasure Hunt that is started upon receiving an email from vanderlinde eyefind. Keep an eye on your iFruit for a special in-game email containing the first clue, then follow the trail to unlock the Double-Action Revolver in GTA Online.

Empty Gun Case.Rumors of a lost relic from the frontier have begun to surface, and treasure awaits those bold enough to seek it. To find the Slasher, you need to investigate five clues. He kills his victims with an old Navy Revolver that you can take from him. Two Hoots Falls: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Tongva Hills Vineyards: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Tataviam Mountains: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Sandy Shores, Senora National Park: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Sandy Shores, Alamo Sea: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Pacific Bluffs Graveyard: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Los Santos Golf Club: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Great Chaparral, church: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Great Chaparral, abandoned mine: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Grand Senora Desert: mapgeneral viewclose-up. View mobile website.Cassidy Creek: mapgeneral viewclose-up. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. I've got a photo near Raton Canyon Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 15 Dec, am. Ok, so my 3 clues were a dead body in a cave on a mountain, a bloodied shovel in a small sort of shack thing by the inland sea's edge, and a box under a tree near grain silos. When I had a grain silo clue it was a box under a tree. Investigate 3 more spots that appear on the map for clues 3. Go to the location from the photo you have been emailed and find a hand written note 2. Got the message too, but can't find the trasure Jodyxe View Profile View Posts. All players in the session are able to collect the same chest.Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. If enabled, the player's controller will also vibrate when approaching a chest. The chests also emit a sound, similar to previous treasure hunt items, which helps with locating them.

Each real-life day, resetting at 06:00 UTC at the same time as the Daily Objectives, a chest will spawn next to a wrecked lifeboat at the same random location in all online lobbies. Starting from August 26, 2021, chests are made available for players to find around the shoreline of San Andreas. Only one Shipwreck can be found per day - you can track whether you’ve found today’s Shipwreck via the Daily Collectibles section of the Interaction Menu. Should you spot it out on your travels, make sure to check for a chest filled with bounty. Each day, the wreck’s whereabouts will be subject to the tides. The wreck is said to contain treasure and scraps of clothing, seven of which can be combined to form an outfit from a previous era. “ Treasure hunters and tourists are reporting sightings of a wooden boat washed up on the waterfront.